The Embrace

My goodness, it feels good to re-enter this space again. April is here! And even though there's fresh snow on the ground in WI this morning (uggggh), Spring WILL come sooner than later and a newfound sense of renewal always comes with it. 

To rewind just a bit: my Fall season as a photographer went out with a bang last year. I was so thrilled to conclude my mini-session event as an absolute fun success. Even more so, it felt celebratory to see that my S N E wheels were turning in new motions as 2018 was approaching. January swept in with a most lovely postpartum-family home session and there I was, skipping in delight over the tone being set for a new year for S N E.

And then Life happens, yeah? 

Ha, it always does. Life! And after I work through feelings of being utterly flustered with the changing of a course, especially in this case as a business owner, I (almost) always know how to circle back around to accepting what is the here + now.

So with my Winter plans for S N E on pause, I realized that I needed to pause, too. 

As I wrapped my energy around this type of resting, I reminded myself that there's purpose to all of our seasons, professionally and personally. And if we're so lucky enough to be in such positions, then I believe that we must tune into what is deeply pulling at us and not take it for granted.

It's all about the embrace...

This time, for me, the embrace was about honoring other intentions for myself as well as for my family. Furthermore, early on it had struck me that this Winter season that just wrapped up (kinda, ha!) was going to be the last one with my youngest at home with me 24/7, for she will head off to 4K come this Fall. I realized that I/we really needed to sink into a simple routine while my bigger kiddos were at school all day. More so, what became of our dinners at the table together during those dark Winter weekday evenings was what kept us close to each other. 

Cherish is the word, always. 

My postpartum doula work has been wonderfully steady all Winter and my purpose with that work simply overflows my cup. We also enjoyed an awesome family vacation back in February (our first one in a few years that took us away on a plane) with my amazing (ahhhmazing!) parents, and I've been able to reconnect in areas of life that have really needed my attention.

For me to reiterate how grateful I am for this life would be an understatement.

This Spring season upon us feels full of sweet promises. Maybe it's simply what Spring brings out after the cold days officially slip away for another time. Maybe it really is going to be a better season for me to press play here again and unfold what is fresh for S N E. And there's lots of freshness coming!

Whatever it all may be, I will know what to make of it.

Cheers to the embrace of a new Season... 




Highlights from our FL/Disney Trip, February 2018
