Go Fish: Share the Struggle

I wear my heart on my sleeve, so to speak - I always have. And more than ever, I consider this a personal strength rather than a weakness. With that, there comes being consistently forthcoming about sharing on struggles of all kinds. And if we allow it to be so, our struggles (and the stories that pair with them) can profoundly connect us on this beautifully basic human level, which I wholeheartedly believe to be essential for genuine connection.

As this pertains to being a photographer and building a sustainable photography business, I also believe it is important to talk about the struggles + setbacks that come with the territory. Success, no matter how one measures it, does not happen swiftly. There's always a learning curve taking place and the journey has no end point, really - and why should it? We are constantly shifting and therefore how we define so many things throughout our lives are shifting just as well.

Success requires this very quiet persistence while fanning the (in my case, creative) flames of your work. It also requires surrendering to the timing of many variables; I touched on this a little bit in my post from last week.

Now, I totally get it:  there's great value in portraying our professionalism as business owners. Being vulnerable about our setbacks can feel really scary; like it will make us appear to be less than within our profession. We all want to put ourselves out there like we've got it (mostly) together and I value the importance of that position. 

But, I don't think that the two sides of this coin are mutually exclusive. They absolutely have a necessary balance to each other and both inspire others who are navigating their own journeys. I value that well-rounded inspiration endlessly, especially as a woman and a mother working from home full-time. It is empowering when other entrepreneurial women/mothers share their stories in this regard. 

That also reminds me of a book gifted to me, which is now a favorite in my collection: In the Company of Women. It's a stunning compilation and every once in awhile, like when I'm feeling discouraged or just need an uplifting, I open it up to page through all of the awesome stories. They all remind me to take comfort in the constant process; there is so much strength to harness right where we are.

To come full circle on this post today, I will share this last tidbit:

Last night while I was doing some client work after dinnertime shenanigans wrapped up, I glanced down the stairs from my desk area to tune into what my children were up to. Their infectious giggles + simultaneous bickering caught my attention to their game of Go Fish. I quickly grabbed my camera, for I am reminded daily of how fleeting these moments are and I am a sucker for the sheer simplicity of such a scene. 

After grabbing a few candids of their game, it was time for me to join them before the bedtime routine proceeded us. We concluded our evening with dancing (our evenings often include dancing!) to the always-on-lately Coco Soundtrack - SO GOOD.

I had more work to do, but the juggle-struggle always calls...

Go Fish!

These grainy memories, in all their glory. XO